What Road Smart users are saying
Join the words Roadsmart
I was involved in a road traffic accident on my way to the office at 7:00 a.m. My vehicle was damaged and couldn’t move. I was stranded and didn’t know what to do. I thought of Roadsmart and called for help. Within 10 minutes a tow truck was on site, and they sent me a courtesy vehicle to use for the day. Indeed, Roadsmart works like magic.

Mrs. Phiri
Before Road Smart, the biggest challenge I had was dealing with mechanics. They missed deadlines, they old spare parts to repair my vehicle, and there prices changed all the time. But now, when I have a vehicle problem, all I need to do is call Road Smart Solutions. They do what they say they are going to do, and send a detailed report of works done, and I pay upon delivery.

Mr. P. Banda
My vehicle caught fire at home. I took it to a nearby garage, and it was parked for 2 months because the garage was looking for spare parts. I used Roadsmart services to get my car fixed and in 6 days my vehicle was back on the road. I now order everything I need for my fleet through Roadsmart.

Mr. Patel Singh
How roadsmart works
Having access to our products and services is as simple as 1, 2, 3. All have to do is simply make a request, get quotes, and sit back with peace of mind while we get the work done efficiently and affordably through our network of reliable partners.

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